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The motto of Liaoning Institute of Science and Engineering is "Venerate Virtue, Seek Wisdom, Excel in Craftsmanship, Apply with Mastery."

"Venerate Virtue" originates from "Analects of Confucius: The Master said, 'What a gentleman he is! How much he values virtue!' This emphasizes the primacy of moral integrity for both educators and students. Teachers are expected to uphold high standards of professional ethics while teaching diligently; students are encouraged to cultivate good character, establishing a sound worldview, outlook on life, and values. This aspect reflects the school's strong humanistic spirit and shared value pursuit, inspiring teachers and students alike to embody noble morals and bear significant societal responsibilities.

"Seek Wisdom" comes from "Compendium of Chronicles of the Yuan Dynasty: Reading books aims at understanding principles for practical use." It signifies clarity in reasoning, emotional logic, philosophical wisdom, legal principles, moral principles, and fundamental theories. It embodies the school community's dedication to seeking truth, adherence to principles, and prioritizing national interests and the broader goals of the institution.

"Excel in Craftsmanship" has its earliest roots in "History of the Later Han Dynasty: Supervising the making of secret weapons and various implements, all were crafted with exquisite precision and solidity, setting a standard for future generations." In line with the school's applied education orientation, this principle advocates striving for excellence and innovation. It also reflects the school's educational philosophy and nurturing guidelines, emphasizing the cultivation of perseverance and the pursuit of excellence among both students and faculty, equipping them with solid professional knowledge and outstanding practical skills.

"Apply with Mastery" originates from "The Book of Changes: Profound meanings penetrate to the spiritual realm, culminating in practical application." It underscores the primary goal of learning—applying knowledge and skills learned. Students are encouraged to integrate theory with practice, deeply understand and master what they have learned, and apply it rigorously and selflessly to real-world work, thereby creating value for society.

The motto "Venerate Virtue, Seek Wisdom, Excel in Craftsmanship, Apply with Mastery" embodies the school's educational philosophy that places moral education first and emphasizes capability development. It aligns with the institution's focus on science and engineering disciplines and its objective of cultivating applied talents. It calls for students to possess noble character, solid foundational knowledge, and exceptional practical abilities. Furthermore, it motivates the entire academic community to actively engage in local economic development and social progress, advancing with determination and perseverance.